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AB 2208: Making the Transition to Clean Lighting

AB 2208 - Bright LED bulb on a table with toxic fluorescent light bulbs in the background

AB 2208 (Assemblymember Ash Kalra & Senator Josh Becker, 2022)​

CA's Mercury Pollution Prevention Act

​The National Stewardship Action Council set a new standard for clean lighting by sponsoring and passing AB 2208 (Asm. Kalra & Sen. Becker) in 2022, a law in California that prohibits, on and after January 1, 2024, a screw or bayonet base type compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), as defined, and, on and after January 1, 2025, a pin-base type compact fluorescent lamp or a linear fluorescent lamp (LFL), as defined, from being offered for final sale, sold at final sale, or distributed in this state as a new manufactured product.​ Read the AB 2208 Fact Sheet!

Facts on Clean Lighting​

​Mercury is a potent neurotoxin listed by the World Health Organization as a top 10 chemical of major public health concern. One gram of mercury can contaminate a twenty acre lake, according to the Interstate Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC).


Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) use half the amount of electricity, last 2-3 times longer, and do not contain toxic mercury. Because of AB 2208:

🌎 950,000 metric tons of CO2 eliminated annually
💡 5,600+ gigawatt hours saved per year
💰 California businesses & residents save big on energy bills​

AB 2208 - Women screwing in LED bulb

Clean Lighting Legislation Around the World

California was the second state to pass a ban on fluorescent lamps, following Vermont’s vote to phase out CFLs in 2023 and 4-foot LFLs in 2024. California, however, went further by including lamps up to 8 feet in the phase-out.


Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing LEDs as the foremost lighting technology on the market today. In December 2021, the European Union banned the sale of almost all mercury-containing fluorescent lamps by September 2023, and in March 2022, 137 governments voted to phase out CFLs by 2025 through the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

As one of the biggest lighting markets in the country, AB 2208 signals that the U.S. is ready to make the transition to a clean lighting economy. 

AB 2208 Mercury Lamp Pollution Prevention Act.png

To prohibit the sale of most mercury-containing fluorescent lamps by 2025, aligning with California's goals to reduce toxic waste and promote energy efficiency.

Authored by Representatives Ash Kalra and Senator Josh Becker

Signed into law September 18, 2022

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