We proudly work on legislation to advance a circular economy. Click below to learn more about relevant legislation at the federal, state, and local level.
By Senator Allen
Will establish the nation’s second Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for household hazardous waste (HHW)
SB 561 (Blakespear): Emergency Distress Flare Safe Disposal Act - CO-SPONSORED BY NSAC & ZERO WASTE SONOMA
By Senator Blakespear
Will require the producer(s) of pyrotechnic distress flares to fund and operate a collection system to manage expired or unwanted flares, shifting the costs of managing this product from our cities and counties - and ultimately local ratepayers - to the producers/users.
SB 45 (Padilla): Tethered Plastic Bottle Caps
By Senator Padilla
Will require plastic beverage containers under three liters to have an undetachable cap to significantly reduce the number of caps that end up littered in the environment and negatively impact wildlife.
SB 615 (Allen): Vehicle traction batteries - SUPPORT

By Senator Allen
This bill would require a battery supplier to be responsible for ensuring the responsible end-of-life management of a vehicle traction battery if it is removed from a vehicle that is still in service or if the vehicle traction battery is offered or returned to its battery supplier, and reporting information regarding the sale, transfer, or receipt of a vehicle traction battery or module to the department.
The bill would require the department to conduct a study to determine whether there is evidence of abandonment of orphaned batteries leading to environmental and health and safety hazards and, on or before January 1, 2030, and every 3 years thereafter, to post the results of its findings on its internet website.
AB 762 (Irwin & Wilson): Disposable Vape Ban
AB 864 (Ward): Solar Photovoltaic Module Treatment
HB 232: Recycling Refund

House Environment and Transportation Committee - Hearing 2/14
Establishing the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program to increase the reuse and recycling of beverage containers and reduce the litter, pollution, and costs associated with beverage containers; prohibiting a producer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing in or importing into the State a redeemable beverage container unless the producer is registered with the Department of the Environment, pays a certain fee, and is part of a certain stewardship organization; etc.
New York
A2164: Household appliances and refrigerants EPR

1/15/25: Referred to environmental conservation
Establishes extended producer responsibility for household appliances and refrigerants; provides that no later than December 31, 2027, producers shall submit a plan to the department of environmental conservation for the establishment of a collection program for certain covered products.
S1460: EPR Framework

1/ /25: Referred to Environmental Conservation
This bill provides a framework for extended producer responsibility that would permit the Department of Environmental Conservation to designate products for which producers would be responsible for collection and reuse, recycling, or disposal.
S728: Relating to an incentive program to promote beverage container recycling

Status: Introduced
This policy is intended to provide flexibility for Producers of beverages (i.e., brands) to form a 501c3 and implement a system by which a 75% recycling rate for beverage containers is achieved and maintained.
Companion bill: HB 2048
HB 1150: EPR for Packaging and Paper Products known as the Recycling Reform Act

2/3/2025: Referred to House Committee on Environment & Energy
Companion bill: SB 5284
Builds upon previous years’ efforts to create a coordinated, transparent statewide system for residential recycling that will increase both reuse and recycling significantly.
HB 1420: Producer responsibility for textiles

By Representatives Hackney, Duerr, Berry, Ramel, Fitzgibbon, Doglio, Pollet
Status: House Committee on Environment & Energy
Based on the Responsible Textile Recovery Act (SB 707) that passed in California in 2024, would establish a producer responsibility program for apparel and textiles in Washington.
SB 5175: Concerning the photovoltaic module stewardship and takeback program

Status: Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology hearing on 2/7
To address the lack of participation by manufacturers, SB 5175 would delay the implementation of the Solar Panel Stewardship Law to 2029 and improve the law by establishing an Advisory Committee.
Washington D.C.
DC B26-0058: Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Amendment Act of 2025

1/21/2025: Referred to Committee on Business and Economic Development
To amend the Sustainable Solid Waste Management Amendment Act of 2014 to establish an extended producer responsibility collection and recycling program for beverage containers to be overseen by the Department of Energy and the Environment.
This bill establishes an extended producer responsibility collection and recycling program for beverage containers in the District of Columbia, to be implemented by January 1, 2028. The program requires distributors to place a deposit of at least $0.10 on each beverage container sold in the District, with the potential for the deposit to increase to $0.15 if redemption targets are not met. Distributors must register with the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) and join a beverage container stewardship organization that will manage the collection, redemption, and recycling of these containers.
The bill creates detailed requirements for the stewardship organization, including developing a comprehensive plan for container collection, establishing redemption facilities, and meeting specific performance targets of 75% redemption rate by 2028, increasing to 95% by 2034. Retailers will be required to accept returned containers and provide refunds, and a handling fee of $0.04 per container will be paid to those accepting returns. The program also establishes a District Recycling Fund to manage unclaimed deposits and support related environmental initiatives. Distributors who fail to meet redemption targets may face administrative penalties, and the bill includes provisions to prevent fraudulent redemption of containers.
Please click on any of the following product stewardship council's websites for more information on local legislation in their states:
NSAC supported Cook County, IL as they shepherded their pharmaceutical safe disposal ordinance to passage, which was unanimously approved on 10/26/16. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Commissioner Debra Shore noted NSAC's involvement in her 2016 Annual Report.